Jessica Petersen

Jessica Petersen



CrossFit Level 1 Certification and Chiropractor

About Coach

Growing up I played softball, volleyball and ran cross country. Before joining CrossFit i was running marathons. I had never touched a barbell until I joined my first CrossFit class. Now Olympic Lifting is my favorite workouts.

Turning Point

I ran marathons before and after my first pregnancy. When I had my second child I could not find the time to train for marathons, I was working as a Chiropractor and he did not like being in the stroller for hours. I tried going to the gym on my own but needed something more to push me to finish the workout. I also needed a workout that could be done in an hour and so I tried my first CrossFit class and never looked back.

Motivation & Passion

I ran marathons before and after my first pregnancy. When I had my second child I could not find the time to train for marathons, I was working as a Chiropractor and he did not like being in the stroller for hours. I tried going to the gym on my own but needed something more to push me to finish the workout. I also needed a workout that could be done in an hour and so I tried my first CrossFit class and never looked back.

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